McIlveen announces further measures to support childcare providers (26 January)

Education Minister Michelle McIlveen has today (26 January) announced an extension to the Covid-19 Childcare Temporary Closure Fund for the period 1 January to 31 March 2022.

The fund will provide continued support for childcare providers who have been forced to close temporarily due to a Covid-19 related incident within their provision.

The Covid-19 Temporary Closure Fund will be open from 31 January 2022 for applications from eligible day care and school-aged childcare settings, childminders, crèches and playgroups who have had to temporarily close their provision in line with the eligibility requirements of the fund.

Eligible childcare providers will be able to apply for funding via the Early Years website .

The Department of Education news release (link below) also outlines that a further phase of sustainability funding is being kept under review by the Minister, with scoping work on this underway.

Early Years greatly welcomes this further extension to the COVID Related Temporary Closure Fund for the period 1 January to 31 March 2022 by Minister McIlveen in response to calls from the sector and in reflection of the continuing challenges faced by the sector in providing safe, sustainable, and stable services for children and their families during this pandemic.

The full Department of Education news release can be accessed here.

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