McIlveen announces further measures to support childcare providers (25 Feb)

Education Minister Michelle McIlveen has today (25 Feb) announced an extension to the Covid-19 Childcare Sustainability Fund for the period 1 January to 31 March 2022.

The Fund will assist the short-term viability of childcare providers and help ensure that they remain sustainable in the face of recent pressures resulting from the Omicron variant.

The Covid-19 Childcare Sustainability Fund is open from 28 February 2022 for applications from eligible daycare and school-aged childcare settings, childminders, crèches and playgroups.  Eligible childcare providers will be able to apply for funding via the Early Years website.

Commenting on the announcement Pauline Walmsley, Chief Executive Officer of Early Years - the organisation for young children,  said:

"Early Years welcomes this extension of the Covid-19 Childcare Sustainability Fund for the period 1 January to 31 March 2022. On behalf of sessional and full daycare throughout Northern Ireland, we have been advocating for additional sustainability measures to assist providers with the additional costs of operating within DoH Covid-19 guidance for childcare and to support the financial viability of providers which are open and operating with a reduced demand for services during the Jan-Mar 2022 period.

We thank the Minister and Department for this important recognition of the ongoing need to support the fundamental role of the sector throughout the pandemic. This intervention will support the sector in meeting the key social, educational and developmental needs of children and their families as well as the communities that they form a vital part of."

The full Department of Education news release and full announcement by the Education Minister are below.

McIlveen announces further measures to support childcare providers - Department of Education

Ministerial Announcement (25 Feb) - Further extension of COVID-19 Childcare Sustainability Fund

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