School Age Bill Passed by NI Assembly

Message from Pauline Walmsley, Chief Executive Officer of Early Years - the organisation for young children, in relation to the School Age Bill passing its Final Stage at the NI Assembly.

“Early Years has held a longstanding position that Northern Ireland should have, at the least, more flexibility within the education system for children to defer school starting age, to be better in line with other regions.

We welcome this Final Stage passing of the School Age Bill at the Assembly and thank the Minister for progressing this as both a legislative and a personal priority.

We also emphasise, following the Bill receiving Royal Assent, the important need for a wide-reaching guidance, awareness raising and support programme relating to the entire process that is consistent and easy to use and understand by the range of families evident across the region and the various sectors who all interact with children on their journey to and through compulsory education.”

Further information on the School Age Bill passing its Final Stage at the NI Assembly can be accessed below via the following NI Assembly, Department of Education and BBC News NI website links.

School Age Bill Final Stage: NI Assembly - Click here

School Age Bill passes final stage: Department of Education - Click here

School starting age bill passed by MLAs: BBC News NI - Click here

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