Judy Mills (Colhoun) and Kathy Ewing

It was with great sadness that we learned of the death of two former colleagues over the Christmas and New Year period who worked with Early Years when the organisation was known as NIPPA.

In her capacity as Western area Team Leader, Judy Mills (Colhoun) played a pivotal role in securing the fair and equitable allocation of pre-school education places for providers in the non-statutory sector during the initial developing phases of the roll out of the expansion of the programme.

Through vital HighScope Ireland and other practice-based support work provided, Kathy Ewing also made a very valuable contribution to the management of initial Media Initiative for Young Children (MIFC) Programme related research with settings in the Republic of Ireland.

Both are fondly remembered by Early Years staff past and present for their kindness, companionship, and commitment to the development of high-quality education and care services for young children and their families.

We offer our deepest condolences to their friends and families.

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