Statement from the International Network on Peacebuilding with Young Children on the current conflict in Palestine and Israel

We the International Network on Peacebuilding with Young Children, meeting in the 11th month since the most recent eruption of intense conflict in Israel, Palestine and the region believe that all armed conflict is abhorrent, particularly conflict that targets civilian populations. But at that core rests our deeply shared values, our solidarity, and our desire that all violence must end.

In affirming our stand for and on behalf of all children as we have at the 78th meeting of the UNGA on September 28, 2023, just days before October 7th, we call that those who breach international law must be brought to justice.

Recovery and reconciliation in the region require committed local and international leadership that addresses governance, root causes of conflict and supports social justice and human rights with a particular focus on the rights of children.

We ask that the UN and its member states take steps immediately to end the war and initiate peace building efforts, building on the extensive body of international research on the power of Early Childhood Development programmes to promote peace and sustainable development. 

We know and hope that such actions will build strong, resilient children and families and enable a positive contribution to a peaceful future, and we stand ready to support all peaceful actions in the region.


Statement issued by the International Network on Peacebuilding with a Secretariat based at Early Years the Organisation for Young Children in Northern Ireland.

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Craig CalvertINPB