#Deaf Awareness Week

This #Deaf Awareness Week, we want to highlight the fantastic work of settings in our Rural Respecting Difference Programme using Makaton.  All RRDP settings are currently working on a variety of Good Relations themes through shared projects across Northern Ireland and the Southern Border Counties. 

The children in Carryduff Playgroup, Little Stars Preschool and Glenarm Community Preschool are enjoying learning Makaton in their own settings and will soon be coming together, through the use of I.T, for joint Makaton sessions using their new skill. 

Karen McCormick, leader in Little Stars told us,

“The children are loving the programme and learning so much; they are already able to ask for their favourite fruits at snack time, signing the days of the week and learning nursery rhymes.  Makaton is fantastic not only for deaf children but also for our non-verbal children or those who struggle with communication. Using Makaton in our setting has enabled the children to develop new language, social and communication skills. As part of the Rural Respecting Difference Programme, we have learned that some people are different because they may not be able to hear or talk, but this new sign language we have learned allows us to communicate with each other. The children are really enjoying learning and using it and are very keen to learn new signs.”