Consultation on Pre-School education Socially Disadvantaged Circumstances admissions criteria

The Department of Education is consulting on the statutory criterion that all funded Pre-School education providers are required to use as part of the Pre-School admissions process. It seeks views on proposals to extend the definition of “children from socially disadvantaged circumstances” to include a wider group of children.  It is also seeking views on the proposal to standardise the length of Pre-School education sessions and the impact that this may have on the admissions process in future. Views on standardising the length of Pre-School education sessions will help to inform policy development and a substantive consultation by the Department on this issue in due course.

The consultation will close on Friday 16 July.  A full copy of the consultation, questions that the Department are asking about admissions and other related documents  are available at the Department of Education website location below.

Included also below is a PDF summary of the key areas included in the consultation produced by Early Years.

Consultation on Pre-School education Socially Disadvantaged Circumstances admissions criteria - Department of Education

Key points of consultation - Early Years

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