Information Sessions


STEP 2 – Complete the Registration Process - Sign up for an online Awareness & Registration Webinar (29th July – 7th August 2024)

If you haven’t already, you will shortly receive communication from our secure online platform powered by SmartSimple. Please follow the instructions in the email to:

A.  Click on the link to activate your profile.

B. Click on the link to access our training webpage to complete the registration process in SmartSimple. Where possible we have prepopulated data held publicly from FSNI to streamline the remaining registration process. Within this session you will confirm the data that is currently held and upload some additional information such as fees rates and banking details.

You can watch below and see how to complete the registration process:


STEP 3 – Sign up to learn how to use the Portal to Complete Set up & Submit Claims - (19th August – 28th  August)

All providers will be required to access the new system and make a claim to Early Years for the 15% subsidy applied to eligible parents’ fee.  This functionality will become available later in August. 

A training programme will open on 19th August and will provide all the necessary information providers will need to make successful claims.  To make a claim providers will be asked to:

  • Confirm the eligibility of children allocated to your portal.  (Early Years will request all eligible parents to register their child onto the scheme. Allocated children will be listed in your online provider portal.)

  • Amend invoices to include the TFC number for the child and clearly show the NICSS 15%[2] subsidy applied. 

  • Complete details including invoice number, total value of invoice and attendance pattern for each child. 

  • Submit a claim to Early Years and provide a randomised[3] sample of invoices upon request. You should then issue invoices to parents.

[2] A monthly payment cap will apply for each child within the scheme 

[3] We will request a sample of invoices to be forwarded each month

Weekly Invoices

We understand that some providers issue weekly invoices. We are not asking you to change this approach. This process can remain; however, we will require you to complete a single monthly submission on the system. We will provide further information on this process through our training sessions.

Overview of Timelines

Timeline of Key Activities

# Activity Dates September
1 Training Session 1: complete the registration process 29th July – 7th August
2 Letter to parents and parent registration* 5th August – 18th August
3 Training Session 2: complete the set up and claims process 19th August – 28th August
4 System open for providers to submit claims & issue invoices From 20th August
5 First provider reimbursement from scheme + 10 working days from Submission of claim
6 September data verified + 28 days from submission

*A copy of the letter to parents will be issued to providers for information

Timeline for Key Activities for each following Month

# Activity Dates for each subsequent Month
1 Providers populate system with claim details & submit invoice for period Available up to 10 days before normal invoice period
2 Provider reimbursement from scheme + 10 working days from submission
3 Monthly data verified + 28 days from submission

Communication with parents 

Parents will be required to register on the portal from 5th August – 18th August.  While there will be general publicity aimed targeted at parents beforehand, we also need you to forward a letter to all eligible parents.  The letter will detail the eligibility requirements of the scheme and the necessary actions parents need to take.  Only parents who register on the portal will be able to access the subsidy offered by the scheme.

Administration Fees

A one-off registration and set up fee will be made to all eligible providers to support you with the on boarding process.  This payment will be made following your initial September claim. 

Registration and Set Up Fee Structure

Provider Type Registration Fee
Childminder £500
Pre School wrap around £600
Daycare £1,400

A monthly administration fee will be applied for each eligible child using the scheme. 

Monthly Processing Fee Structure

Number of children Claim Fee
If you have 1 to 5 children a minimum processsing fee will be paid per month: £22.50 for up to 5 children
For each additional child - you will recieve this amount per child, per month: £1.50 per child

Contact Us

If you would like to discuss any details or require further information, please contact us at: