Weir announces further measures to support childcare providers

Education Minister, Peter Weir today (9 March 2021) has announced an additional £11.8m funding to support childcare providers.

This is the second phase of the Covid-19 Childcare Sustainability Support and is for the period of 1 January to 31 March 2021. 

The Covid-19 Childcare Sustainability Support Fund will provide vital financial support for eligible registered childcare providers who are continuing to operate at this challenging time.  It will also assist with ongoing unavoidable fixed costs for those providers who have temporarily suspended their services due to a lack of demand for their provision during the current restrictions.

This phase of the Covid-19 Childcare Sustainability Support Fund will run from the 1 January to 31 March.  

The Covid-19 Sustainability Support Fund is open from 10 March 2021 for applications from eligible daycare and school-aged childcare settings, childminders, crèches and playgroups. A grant payment will be made according to the type and size of the provider.

Links to the full Department of Education press release, full announcement from Minister Weir and information currently available on the Early Years website are included below.

Weir announces further measures to support childcare providers - DE News Release 9 March 2021

Ministerial announcement on further funding - 9 March 2021

Childcare Support Fund Phase 3 Support - Early Years website

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