Governance and Leadership Training Calendar - Places available

Governance and Leadership Training Calendar - September to December 2020

Welcome to the Governance and Leadership training calendar for September to December 2020.  There are 10 courses and two sets of clinics currently available, which will support building the capacity of your setting and share practical tips for effective and sustainable delivery of services.  All the training is designed to be hands on, relevant to your situation and enjoyable. 

Due to Covid-19 regulations all of the training sessions will be held online.

Who is it for?

Anybody involved in early years’ work will find the training relevant, but it is particularly useful for Committee Members, Leaders and Managers of early years settings. These courses aim to support community based and private settings, however please review the description to ensure it meets your needs.

Why take part?

  • As part of your Letter of Offer from the Pathway Fund you are required to attend at least one governance and leadership training course.  This training must be completed by the end of December 2020.

  • The training will build the capacity of your service and contribute to personal and professional development.

  • You will get to talk to other early year’s practitioners and share experiences and learning. 

How do I take part?

You can book online through Eventbrite by following the link next to the course you are interested in or by contacting Diarmuid Moore by emailing  You will then be sent a link to join the online training.

  • There is no cost associated to this training.

  • Participants will receive all necessary materials and resources on the night, so there is no need to bring anything except your experience and knowledge.

This new and revised programme will be facilitated by Diarmuid Moore.  Diarmuid has over 30 years’ experience of working in the community and voluntary sector in positions from frontline volunteer to senior management team member.  He has specialised in turning his experience of working in the sector into training that taps the potential of participants and builds on their existing skills and knowledge.

Committee Roles and Responsibilities (Introduction)

Roles and responsibilities training for management committee members aims to help committees be more effective through understanding governance, roles of office bearers and responsibilities of the committee.  This course is designed for committee members who have limited or no experience of committees.  Please note that this course is suitable for organisations that are managed by a management committee only.

Date: Tuesday 29 September
Time: 18:30 to 21:00
Book: click here 

Recruitment and Selection of Early Years Staff

This session will assist management committee members and setting staff who have responsibility for recruitment.  Participants will be introduced to the main recruitment procedures including shortlisting, interviews and other selection processes.  This course is suitable for all groups.  Please note that the course is an overview and an introduction, it therefore may not be suitable for staff and committee members who already have extensive recruitment experience e.g. HR staff

Date: Tuesday 6 October 2020
Time: 14:00 to 16:30
Book: click here

Making good funding applications

Many settings are increasingly turning to external funding sources to fund a variety of costs from new projects and activities to core costs such as wages and running costs.  This session will examine the funding landscape and help groups start to pull together a funding strategy.  As well as looking at some examples of possible funders of early years settings the session will consider how to write strong applications that stand a better chance of being successful.

Date: Wednesday 14 October 2020
Time: 18:30 to 21:00
Book: click here

Managing Your Finances and how to read accounts

This session will assist management/committee (or persons responsible for finances), in reviewing the financial processes within their setting.  Participants will be given practical hands on advice on financial systems, budgeting and reviewing income and expenditure.  The course will also contain a piece on how to read accounts. This course is suitable for all groups.  Please note that the course is an overview and an introduction, it therefore may not be suitable for staff and committee members who already have extensive finance management experience e.g. finance officers.

Date: Wednesday 21 October 2020
Time: 18:30 to 21:00
Book: click here

Managing Your Staff

This session will deal with what can be the more difficult issues that come up in the employment of staff such as managing performance, managing absence, disciplinary procedures and the leader/committee relationship. 

Date: Tuesday 27 October 2020
Time: 18:30 to 21:00
Book: click here 

Supporting Your Staff

Support, Supervision and Appraisal training will assist committee members, leaders and managers in early years’ organisations to recognise the importance and value of good induction, supervision and appraisal processes for staff members in line with Minimum Standard requirements.  Although this course is suitable for all groups people with a lot of experience of managing staff (e.g. HR staff) may find it too basic for their needs.

Date: Tuesday 10 November 2020
Time: 18:30 to 21:00
Book: click here

Outcomes Based Accountability Workshop

Outcomes Based Accountability (OBA) is now widely regarded as the most effective way to measure the outcomes from your work.  In Early Years work outcomes effectively means the difference your setting makes in the lives of the children and the families you work with.  This workshop will build your understanding of the OBA approach and how it can be used to both measure and improve outcomes in your setting.

Date: Tuesday 17 November 2020
Time: 18:30 to 21:00
Book: click here

Building Sustainable Organisations (Social Enterprise Workshop)

A social enterprise is like any other business in that it works to deliver goods and services to make a profit. The difference is that they are driven by their social purposes and any profit made is reinvested towards achieving these purposes.  This workshop will help early years settings think through how they can work towards becoming more sustainable by applying social economy principles. 

Date: Tuesday 24 November 2020
Time: 14:00 to 16:30
Book: click here


These are short one to one meetings where you can talk in detail and in confidence about any governance, funding or financial issue facing your group.  Please book your one hour slot which will provide individual support to your setting.

Date: Tuesday 1 December 2020
Time: 14:00 to 20:00
Book: Email to book a slot

Date: Wednesday 2 December 2020
Time: 14:00 to 20:00
Book: Email to book a slot

Reopening – what are the governance considerations?

Reopening during the Covid pandemic presents many challenges.  This session will focus on the governance issues that owners/committees face.  The session will contain information on:

  • Financial management

  • Employment issues

  • Health and Safety from a governance perspective

  • Sources of funding and support

As the session is designed to be as responsive as possible you are invited to pose any questions you would like to be considered. Although we cannot promise to answer them all we will try to adjust the content accordingly.

The session will be useful to setting staff but it is particularly designed with management committee members in mind.

This session has passed. If you would like further information please contact Diarmuid Moore, Community Development Specialist by emailing