Independent Review of Childcare Services in Northern Ireland

Have you got a few minutes to help improve childcare services in Northern Ireland?

A review of childcare services in Northern Ireland, commissioned by the Department of Education, wants to hear from parents, carers, childcare providers of all types and others in the sector.

The review wants to understand the current state of the childcare sector in Northern Ireland, including the supply and demand of childcare services, their accessibility and affordability, the financial health of providers and any workforce challenges faced by the sector.

The review will involve surveys and focus groups or interviews with parents, carers, childcare providers and other people within the childcare sector.

Parents and carers of children aged between 0 and 14 years of age in Northern Ireland can have their say in this survey (your answers are anonymous).  

If you manage a childcare setting or are a registered provider of childcare services in Northern Ireland (including registered childminders of different types), the review wants to hear from you too. Please note you don’t have to complete it in one go and your privacy and anonymity will always be protected. Click on the link to get started:


Both surveys close on 30th September 2022.

The independent review is being carried out by a research company called RSM, with support from: National Children’s Bureau; Dr Glenda Walsh of Stranmillis University College; and LucidTalk.

The final report is expected in December 2022 and will inform the development of the NI Executive’s Childcare Strategy.

Craig Calvert