Upcoming HighScope Ireland Professional Development Course

HighScope is a quality approach to early childhood care and education which has been shaped and developed by research and practice over a forty year period. A curriculum used internationally in a variety of settings including daycare, créches, playgroups, nursery and primary schools.

Enhancing the Preschool Learning Environment to Support STEM

If registering multiple participants from the same setting please contact highscope@early-years.org for a discounted rate.

The physical learning environment can greatly impact how children learn. As early years practitioners we want to be purposeful in how we layout our learning environment and choose materials intentionally to support children's STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) learning.

In this session, we will uncover how open-ended and diverse materials support children's problem-solving skills through STEM play. Participants will learn how to thoughtfully create a supportive and engaging learning environment that invites exploration and investigation.

23rd March 2023

7pm - 9:15pm

For more information please contact: highscope@early-years.org