Erasmus+ CepNet Project

Erasmus + CepNet Project Partners pictured at the first Transnational Project meeting in Italy hosted by Oxfam Italia and Poppi School in November 2021

The Erasmus+ CEPNET Project works with children and teachers in primary school settings with the aim of introducing them to new approaches in relation to promoting empowerment and self-activation within the classroom.

Early Years is the Lead Partner of 4 Research Partners and 4 Primary Schools

As part of this project, the students will get a chance to carry out self-directed project based activities, looking at issues in their lives that connect them to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). They will discuss and debate these issues and then carry out action research projects on topics that motivate them. They will then present their findings to a wide range of different audiences which may include members of the school community, as well as members of the wider community.

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