Early Years celebrates Good Relations Week 2020

This week Early Years is joining in the celebrations of 30 years of peace building and cultural diversity with Good Relations Week 2020 ‘#GRWeek2020 ‘Celebrating Our Journey, Embracing Our Future.’

Throughout the week we will share the fantastic virtual celebration events available at https://www.goodrelationsweek.com/

Our early years programmes influence good relations, sustainability and resilience of communities, promoting inclusion, respectful of difference and shared learning. We will showcase feedback from our participants’ on the MIFC (Media Initiative for Children) Respecting Difference Programme and how it supports children, practitioners/teachers, parents and communities become more aware of diversity and difference issues and positively change attitudes and behaviours to those who are different.

Interested in participating in the Media Initiative for Children Respecting Difference Training?

We currently have two open calls for participants:

For further information on Good Relations Week 2020, please visit Community Relations Council https://www.community-relations.org.uk/