Minister announces new measures to support childcare providers

Early Years welcomes the launch of the new Childcare Sustainability Fund to assist sustainability of the early childhood care and education sectors in Northern Ireland. 

Education Minister, Peter Weir outlined the plans following the allocation of £8.5 million funding in October for ongoing recovery and sustainability within the childcare sector.

The Childcare Sustainability Support Fund developed for the period 1 September to 31 December, will:

  • help childcare providers with the additional costs of operating within Covid-19 guidance; and

  • provide financial support to childcare providers operating with reduced demand for services

The Fund will open Friday 4 December 2020 for applications. Childminders, Daycare settings, School-Age Childcare settings, Community and Voluntary Crèches (specific conditions apply) and Playgroups with additional provision (other than PSEP places).

A grant payment will be made according to the type and size of the provider. 

The Minister said his officials are currently working on a further funding scheme which will address temporary closures during the period September to December which will be announced in due course.  

The full Department of Education press release is available here

Further information on the Childcare Sustaiability Fund visit