Belfast Branch Meeting

Invitation to attend Childcare Question Time

The Vine Centre, Bulrush Daycare 193 Crumlin Road

Tuesday 8 October 2024 at 6.30 p.m.


All members of early years are invited to the next meeting of Belfast Branch which will be a special question time with local political representatives. 

This is your opportunity to put questions to our politicians at this critical time for the sector.  Perhaps you want to find out what they  will say about issues such as

  • The recruitment and retention crisis in the sector

  • Low pay and poor conditions in the early years workforce

  • The Executives plans for affordable childcare

  • Support for children with additional needs

Or perhaps you want to tell them about the extraordinary positive work being carried out in the sector with children and families.

We have organised a panel of local politicians to answer your questions and hear your views.  It is really important that we have as many childcare voices there as possible to make sure that the politicians present know how important this issue is.

If you have any questions about the event contact Diarmuid