APG on Early Education and Childcare - 27/03/25
Cathy Mason MLA, Chair, welcomed everyone to the meeting and extended her thanks to the previous office bearers and outgoing All Party Group members, Nicola Brogan MLA, Diane Dodds MLA and Kate Nicholl MLA for their contribution during their time on the Group.
The Chair updated on a number of announcements from the Education Minister including; the increased funding for part-time non-statutory pre-school education providers participating in the Department’s Pre-School Education Programme; second, that an additional 2,500 children in 105 pre-school settings from throughout Northern Ireland will be offered full-time pre-school education from September 2025; and third, the continuation of the NI Childcare Subsidy Scheme into 2025/26. The NICSS subsidy cap has also been has also been increased to reflect the anticipated rise in childcare fees from April 2025 while the administrative payment paid to providers delivering the scheme has also been raised.
The Chair also reminded the Group that the Department of Health has launched its consultation on proposals to amend the minimum standards for childminding and day care for children under age 12 which remains open until 20th June.
The Group received a briefing from Tina Dempster from the Department of Education who gave an overview of budgets, the upcoming Stakeholder Engagement Forum and the draft childcare strategy which is expected to be out for consultation in the autumn. Marc Bailie from the Department of Health gave a further brief on the minimum standards consultation.
Katherine Lindsay, Regional Coordinator for School Age Childcare, PlayBoard NI, provided a presentation on the School Age Childcare State of the Sector survey and Patricia Lewsley-Mooney, CEO NI Childminders Association, updated on childminding academies and the needs of parents of children with additional needs.
The next All Party Group meeting will take place on Thursday 22nd May via Teams.