Improve the outcomes for children with Eager and Able to Learn
Early Years creates and delivers a range of programmes which continue our drive to improve practice by applying an appropriate play-based, evidence-informed curriculum.
The Eager and Able to Learn programme is designed by Early Years for children aged two to three years old in an early years setting. Research shows movement provides a natural context for young children to develop. Eager and Able to Learn places a particular emphasis on physical movement with a series of developmental movement and play activities for settings to use.
The programme encourages parents to explore play activities with their children in the home environment through the home-based element.
Make a difference in your setting
The programme includes:
Six day training for practitioners
A series of support visits and cluster sessions for practitioners
Workshops for parents of children participating in the programme
Practitioners service design manual - a guide through delivery of the programme
Parents receive a home learning pack
Improve Children’s:
Communication and language
Social/emotional well-being
Thinking and problem solving
Levels of physical movement and activity
View the research underpinning the programme development
The Executive Summary
A CORAL Initiative: Aiming to better understand how programmes delivered by Early Years are improving long-term outcomes for children, families and communities.
Download a copy of the Evaluation of the Eager and Able to Learn Programme for Two-Three Year Old Children
An Evaluation of the Effects of the Eager and Able to Learn Programme
Centre for Effective Education, Queen’s University Belfast
The Centre for Effective Education in collaboration with the National Children’s Bureau (NCB) Northern Ireland and Stranmillis University College, conducted a rigorous and independent evaluation of Eager and Able to Learn Programme (EAL).
The Developmental Status of 2-3 Year Old Children Entering Group-Based Settings in Northern Ireland: Survey Findings
A survey conducted of 655 two-three year old children who attended 90 early years settings in Northern Ireland together with the practitioners in the settings and the children’s parents. The survey was part of a larger research project which evaluated the impact of the Eager and Able to Learn Programme (EAL).
A fidelity and implementation study of the Eager and Able to Learn programme
This report presents the findings of the fidelity and implementation study conducted into the delivery of the Eager and Able to Learn programme in 28 early years settings from September 2009 to June 2010.
A fidelity and implementation study of the Eager and Able to Learn programme - Appendices
Appendices presents the findings of the fidelity and implementation study conducted into the delivery of the Eager and Able to Learn programme in 28 early years settings from September 2009 to June 2010.
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