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The ASPIRE Project

The ASPIRE Project is an exciting cross-border initiative, which is managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB).

The aim of the project is to foster peace, reconciliation and collaboration through shared education.


Join us

Early Years Membership

Our members are the heart and focus of what we do. We represent early childhood carers and educators who are part of the mission to be a strong voice for thousands of children on the island of Ireland and beyond.

Our members depend on us to be a strong, sustainable outcomes-focused and evidence-led organisation for young children. What role will you play in moving the sector and early childhood practice forward?

Northern Ireland Childcare Subsidy Scheme

Supporting Families using Tax Free Childcare for Pre-School Children


Our Vision

Children and families are physically and emotionally well and resilient.

Have a read through our annual report to see what we have been up to this past year.


Join the Conversation

Join the conversation with earlyyearsorg online community, choose where you want to jump in!


Valuing Early Learning and Care for all of Our Children

The Time for Real Investment Is Now 

Early Years call upon the Executive to agree an investment strategy for early learning by Q4 2024.  Northern Ireland should invest 1% of GDP (£485m) per annum in early learning and care by 2030.


Our Work


Early Years is the largest organisation in Northern Ireland working with and for young children. We are a non-profit making organisation and have been working since 1965 to promote high quality childcare for children aged 0 - 18 and their families.



Our goal is to advocate, mobilise and influence early years’ policy developments that are rights-based, evidence-informed and appropriately resourced, to support the rights of young children and deliver outcomes for young children. Over the past 50 years with our members we continue to speak up for children, their family and the early childhood care and education sector.



Early Years focus is evidence-based practice throughout the early childhood care and education sector. We draw from research and academic studies to develop innovative quality programmes which support services within the sector.


Our members ensure that children are immersed in active learning environments, while we support them with their learning and the provision provided through Early Years specialist mentoring and support, committee management, salary and disclosures services, financial support and advice and guidelines on new legislation within the sector.



Early Years is passionate in supporting the movement for peace that draws on the power of early childhood development. We engage in a number of international networks and projects to support practice and research innovations.


Early Years delivers a wide range of training, programmes and professional learning events that continue our drive to improve practice by applying an appropriate play-based curriculum. We facilitate the roll out of the Reggio approach in Northern Ireland by inspiring reflective communication within a diverse Learning Community, to bring about change for children and communities.



We focus on meeting the needs of the early childhood care and education providers, promoting available funding opportunities and offering support for members when applying for these. Early Years is currently administrator of the Pathway Fund, Northern Ireland Childcare Subsidy Scheme and ASPIRE.


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